Where do you gain your energy from?
Inside or Out?

Compare each of the following statements and click the option you identify most with. Once you have picked five you can move to the next section.

  • I think out loud

  • I think before I speak

  • I generally act quickly

  • I generally act carefully

  • I'm a good talker

  • I'm a good listener

  • I prefer to stand out

  • I prefer to blend in

  • I tend to work best in groups

  • I tend to work best alone or in pairs

  • I am more extravert

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Gain energy from people or things around them

    - Recharge their batteries by being active

    - Be confident

    - Be assertive

  • I am more introvert

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Gain energy from inside themselves

    - Recharge their batteries by spending time alone

    - Be careful

    - Be good listener

question 1 / 4

How do you take in information?
Do you look at the detail or the big picture?

Compare each of the following statements and click the option you identify most with. Once you have picked five you can move to the next section.

  • I look for the facts first

  • I look for possibilities first

  • I look for details

  • I look for patterns

  • I focus on what works now

  • I focus on how to make it different

  • I prefer applying what I've learned

  • I prefer learning new things

  • I tend to go step-by-step

  • I tend to join in anywhere

  • I am more real world

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Have their feet on the ground

    - Be good at thinking 'inside the box'

    - Be practical

    - Be realistic

    - Be sensible

  • I am more imagined world

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Like to think about how things could be changed

    - Be good at thinking 'outside the box'

    - Be imaginative

    - Be creative

    - Be dreamers

question 2 / 4

How do you decide things?
With your head or your heart?

Compare each of the following statements and click the option you identify most with. Once you have picked five you can move to the next section.

  • I generally follow my head first

  • I generally follow my heart first

  • I ask 'is this the right decision?'

  • I ask 'how will it affect people?'

  • I'm mostly comfortable giving and receiving feedback

  • I'm often uncomfortable giving or receiving feedback

  • I tend to tell it how I see it

  • I tend to be careful about saying things that upset people

  • I tend to focus on the task first, then the people

  • I tend to focus on the people first, then the task

  • I am more task first

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Make decisions by doing the 'right thing'

    - Like fairness

    - Be logical

    - Be objective

  • I am more people first

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Make decisions by considering how it will affect people

    - Like to be liked

    - Be sympathetic

    - Be friendly

question 3 / 4

What is your attitude to life?
Planned or spontaneous?

Compare each of the following statements and click the option you identify most with. Once you have picked five you can move to the next section.

  • I like to plan and organise

  • I like to wonder how it will turn out

  • I like writing lists

  • I don't like writing lists

  • I like things tidy

  • I don't mind things untidy

  • I prefer it when I've finished a task

  • I prefer it when I've started a task

  • I usually work at a steady pace until I'm finished

  • I often work at the last minute to get things done

  • I am more "live by the rules"

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Organise themselves

    - Relax once things are complete

    - Be logical

    - Get things done

    - Be on time and on schedule

  • I am more "live in the moment"

    People with this preference tend to:

    - Be flexible

    - Be able to relax with things left incomplete

    - Be spontaneous

    - Be open-minded

question 4 / 4